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Rating: 5 out of 5.

“As a theatre practitioner, DreamScope Theatre helped me to open up with new culture of kids in different category there by experiencing children’s theatre in different form. It was very comfortable working with dreamscope theatre.
I have learnt my life ways indirectly to explore theatre and society. I am eagerly waiting to work with dreamscope theatre again.”

Sharath Karanth
Drama Teacher

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

“Thank you so much Puja and Aishwarya! The scripting, your training for children was to the dot! It was such a beautiful show!”

Ms. Anupama Eswar
Principal, Golden Arch Montessori

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“I have had the wonderful experience of working alongside Puja Goyal for a school annual day program at Golden Arch Montessori School. It has been a pleasure and an extremely fun experience in that one month. Puja made me comfortable right from the start and was flexible with my work schedule and the style of working. She made sure to address all my concerns and eased me into this process. I’m truly grateful to have shared this experience with her and Dreamscope.:

Aishwarya Gopalakrishnan
Dance Instructor

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“Working with DreamScope Theatre was an amazing experience for me as the mentor Puja, was super friendly and had given me complete freedom to explore. It was the best place to start off my teaching career with! hoping to collaborate soon with the same team.”

RJ Anoopa – Actor for film and Theatre
Namma Radio Talk Show Host.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“It was a really good experience joining them for the winter frost we had a lot of fun with learning and feel of being at home with new family totally.”

Asha Yadhav

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“I’ve been associated with DreamScope Theatre for fourteen years. they’ve been coaching Floretz children and been doing our annual days. Puja and Tushar are extremely child friendly, hardworking, sincere and creative. It’s been a pleasure working with them.”

Deepa Ravichandran
Principal, Floretz Montessori

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“The excellent place where kids can enjoy a lot and learn tremendous dancing and acting skills.”

Likith S Shetty
Dance Instructor

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“Was There for a very limited period of time but I cherish each and every moment of my tenure. Working in a corporate and multitasking as an understudy under Puja, probably kindled my passion to switch over my career to media from corporate. DreamScope is a fun place where you learn a lot.”

Pradeep Muthu
Radio Jockey, BIG FM 92.7
Star Sports, Tamil, Chennai

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“It was a very good course, I learnt and enjoyed a lot. It helped me to overcome stage fear and now I want to improve my acting skills too.”


Rating: 4 out of 5.

“This is an awesome place. Just love the vibes. Puja removed my stage fear, and encouraged my acting skills.”

Siddhant Rander

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